About Us
ShiLeeHe Energy which is a DBA of Mafic Industry (Registration No. 91310117MA1J3XW9X8) is committed to supplying sustainable energy system such as Solar pannel, Lithium ion battery, Energy storage.
Our Values: Integrity is Golden. Technology improves.
Our Vision: High quality Good price Excellent service.
Wealth can be gained when it is lost, but credibility cannot.
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Our Values: Integrity is Golden. Technology improves.
Our Vision: High quality Good price Excellent service.
Wealth can be gained when it is lost, but credibility cannot.
We will try to reply to your message or email in 0-12 hours. First please leave your EMAIL for later contact.
About Us
Contact Us

Name: Eddie
Tel: +86-21-37761693
Fax: +86-21-51069318
E-mail: Eddie@maficind.com
Add: No.286 Yukun Road, Xiaokunshan Town, Songjiang District, Shanghai, 201616 China http://www.maficind.com